Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 1, Day 1

Like millions of children nationwide, I woke up on this first weekday after Labor Day ready to go back to school.  I had almost forgotten about the rush of anticipation and nerves that surge over you as you frantically get back into the morning routine after months (in my case almost a year) of non-routine living.  I was a whirlwind.  Waking up with the sun and peeking at my alarm every 20 minutes until it rang out, I finally popped out of bed, got dressed, ate a sensible breakfast with Charlie Rose in the background, strapped on my backpack, laced up my sneakers and was off.  Hubby decided to accompany me on the 2-mile walk to school, snapping photos and sharing words of encouragement just as a proud parent (or in this case partner) should on such an occasion.

Arriving at school I walked into a hub of activity; students finding uniforms, claiming lockers, awe-ing at our new knife kits!!!!  Considering it's been a good 10 years since I was in any school setting, I was eager to soak up as much as I possibly could and make some friends along the way.  I decided to ask as many questions as I could think of and really listen when others did the same.  Did you know that farmer's market eggs aren't washed, or that you can scrape mold off hard cheese and still eat it, or that 1 ounce of butter is 2 tablespoons, or that 1 1/2 quarts of soup serves 6 people? Well, neither did I.

My new classmates are as interesting and unique as I'd hoped they'd be.  There is the Alabama restaurateur who temporarily moved to SF just for this program.  The 18-year-old, fresh out of high school, scion of a farming dynasty who’s passion is in food preparation.  A woman who sold a successful company to finally follow her dream of pursuing a culinary education.  A stay-at-home-mom who decided now is her time!  I'm sure I'll get to know my 12 classmates well and look forward to being fascinated by each of them. 

Walking home after the first day, my mind and stomach full, I realized that if every day is as varied and busy as today I’m in for an incredible year.

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