Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Adventures in House-wifery; Salmon for dinner

Well it happened.  Somewhere between looking for a new job and being turned on in the organic, local, co-op produce market I became a housewife.  I have an apron and everything.

I also have recently been taking a Fundamentals of Cooking class at the SF Cooking School and all of a sudden I'm inspired.  It's like years of dining out compounded with our new garage-sized kitchen has unleashed a whole new side of me.  I have...drum roll please...cooked two nights in a row!  That's one more night in a row than my previous record.

And now I'd like to share with you my recent creation.  A delicious yet so-simple my mother could do it recipe (sorry mom) that I adapted from Real Simple.

Salmon with Fennel, Red Onions, Heirloom cherry tomatoes accompanied by Delicata Squash.  
I'll try to make it as simple as possible because I appreciate that so much when reading a recipe.

2 Salmon Fillets
1 large Fennel (get the full one and google "How to cut a Fennel" - the top part is inedible!)
1 large Red Onion
1 container or bunch of Heirloom cherry tomatoes

1.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  In a roasting pan combine sliced Fennel, Red Onion and whole cherry tomatoes and a few bunches of Thyme.  Add modest amounts of EVOO, S&P (don't measure, you're a chef!).  Cook for 20 mins.
2.  Make room for the Salmon on the pan.  Add Lemon juice, S&P to the fillets.  Continue baking for 10-12 minutes.
3.  Buy pre-made Delicata Squash (or cut squash in one inch slices, cover in oil, S&P and put on a separate baking sheet in the oven for 20-30 mins or until tender).
4.  Enjoy with wine and play the Wes Montgomery station on Pandora.

Voila!  I just went from a restaurant blogger to a sometimes chef!  But not to worry, we have reservations tomorrow night. 

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