Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Adventures in House-wifery; Salmon for dinner

Well it happened.  Somewhere between looking for a new job and being turned on in the organic, local, co-op produce market I became a housewife.  I have an apron and everything.

I also have recently been taking a Fundamentals of Cooking class at the SF Cooking School and all of a sudden I'm inspired.  It's like years of dining out compounded with our new garage-sized kitchen has unleashed a whole new side of me.  I have...drum roll please...cooked two nights in a row!  That's one more night in a row than my previous record.

And now I'd like to share with you my recent creation.  A delicious yet so-simple my mother could do it recipe (sorry mom) that I adapted from Real Simple.

Salmon with Fennel, Red Onions, Heirloom cherry tomatoes accompanied by Delicata Squash.  
I'll try to make it as simple as possible because I appreciate that so much when reading a recipe.

2 Salmon Fillets
1 large Fennel (get the full one and google "How to cut a Fennel" - the top part is inedible!)
1 large Red Onion
1 container or bunch of Heirloom cherry tomatoes

1.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  In a roasting pan combine sliced Fennel, Red Onion and whole cherry tomatoes and a few bunches of Thyme.  Add modest amounts of EVOO, S&P (don't measure, you're a chef!).  Cook for 20 mins.
2.  Make room for the Salmon on the pan.  Add Lemon juice, S&P to the fillets.  Continue baking for 10-12 minutes.
3.  Buy pre-made Delicata Squash (or cut squash in one inch slices, cover in oil, S&P and put on a separate baking sheet in the oven for 20-30 mins or until tender).
4.  Enjoy with wine and play the Wes Montgomery station on Pandora.

Voila!  I just went from a restaurant blogger to a sometimes chef!  But not to worry, we have reservations tomorrow night. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm still here.

I'm not exactly sure why it's taken me this long to post something about our new home.  I think I have been overwhelmed by all the new and incredible experiences.  And while there have been many personal and culinary adventures that I've wanted to share I think it's the newness of it all that has been holding me back.  It may be the fact that I don't know the San Francisco landscape as well as I knew the New York one and my voice has been temporarily stunted.  Whatever the reason, the words just have not been flowing like they used to.

Until recently at Local's Corner restaurant, a neighborhood alcove fast becoming a favorite, where it occurred to one expects me to have completely devoured the SF restaurant scene in 3 months! I need to lay the pressure off!   It is hard enough to have a deep and meaningful experience at a restaurant and we've barely been in town long enough to form thoughtful opinions.

So, I would like to take this opportunity to state for the record what I think the point of this blog actually is.  While it surely leans towards a restaurant and sometimes travel blog my goals are far more personal and esoteric. As the blogs' title casually suggests (in addition to being my initials) the purpose is to add love (aka AMOR) to the world; and as a result I try not to speak disparagingly about a restaurant or experience (afterall, what good does that add to the world?). Ultimately I want to share thoughts on all the things I love; whether it be activities, people, places and of course food.  I'd like my musings, in their small way, to add value to the universe.

And while this post may veer dangerously close to a ramble as opposed to a musing I'd like to share it with anyone who's interested...and hopefully it will serve as a reminder that there's more to come, more to explore, more to share...and that I'm still here.